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Julaine Marie

My name is Julaine and I am #oneseenwoman!

The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me;
he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners;

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God;

to comfort all who mourn;
to provide for those who mourn in Zion—to give them a garland instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.
They will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, to display his glory.

This website was - at one time - my professional portfolio, full of samples of my creative work, graphic design, case studies of past projects and testimonials from satisfied clients. 


But all that began to change in 2014 when the Lord brought me to a crossroads of sorts. That "Monument Moment" - which started out as the place of my greatest brokenness and despair - in the hands of my Heavenly Father, set me on a path of healing and restoration I continue to walk today. 


 It felt more like the pit of despair, but when all my earthly efforts proved worthless, every door slammed shut, and every resource exhausted, it was in that moment of brokenness I realized I had never really fit anywhere. I'd been swinging my arms blindly through the air, hoping to connect with SOMETHING solid, bending myself to "fit" the expectations of others, but had no idea who I was or my purpose in this world. 


I call that my "Monument Moment" - when the Creator of the Universe found a broken ragdoll of a woman who was praying to die, but instead planted a verse in her heart "I look to the hills... my help comes from the Lord..." miraculously brought her to Israel, and in the process is radically transforming her life. 


I look at what I wrote "pre-Monument" and see shadows of me... although I'm still the same person, with the same gifts, talents, and quirks (!) my Abba Father is refining and shaping me for His purposes, bringing richness to my life, power to my gifts, and an anointing over my projects that astonish me on a daily basis. 


Pre-Monument me wrote: "I love networking and building relationships around the world. I've worked with companies of all sizes and non-profit organizations, and - most recently - Talon Strikes Studios and Theater Works, a community theater in Peoria, AZ."  


But I'd never really BEEN anywhere. When I landed in Tel Aviv September 2015, it was the first time I'd been off the continent of North America. Three plus years later, I still love networking and building relationships around the world, only now, I truly am AROUND THE WORLD! 


Pre-Monument me wrote: "In a nutshell I am a resourceful communicator with an innovative approach to meeting needs and solving marketing & design challenges. Past experience includes attending press checks for commercial printers, designing packaging, wireframing & building websites, managing e-newsletters & social media and creating photographic set projections for live theater." 


For the first three years at ICEJ, I set aside my professional past and served as Assistant to the VP of Operations, Barry Denison, who was a patient, insightful boss and mentor. He saw my potential, but also saw my need for a safe place to heal, discover who I was in Jesus, spread my wings a bit in a place with support, oversight, and accountability. He taught me to speak on his behalf, under his authority, representing him. Now I am exercising the confidence to speak for myself, under my own authority as ICEJ's Director of Media & Publications. 


Pre-Monument me wrote: "Check out my LinkedIn recommendations or ask any of my references from around the world what problems I helped them solve and what it is like to work with me. If I don’t know the answer, I hunt it down; if I've never done it before, I figure it out or find just the right person for the job." 


Although I'd like an "About Me" page which is concise and full of pithy, witty content, my life is still a bit messy and in-process. I'm still discovering who I am. But maybe through these blog and vlog posts, you can join me in this journey of God-directed healing and discovery and - in the process - discover more about who YOU are in Him, too! 

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