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  • Writer's pictureJulaine Marie

A Thoroughbred Plowing Corn

Have you ever felt like a thoroughbred racehorse stuck plowing corn? If you have, then you just might be a right-brain, abstract, creative thinker ... like me.

The world can be tough for us right-brainers living in a predominantly left-brain world:

Often stuck in the details, managing our creations (which our brains have already concocted and put into place) ... faithfully plowing the corn ... while something inside us longs to find the next creative adventure and charge ahead down that racetrack. That's the thoroughbred part.

This is not to disparage the corn-plowers. Corn is important and is the fuel which makes companies run (a shout out to my ethanol-growing friends in Iowa). I am just not the right person to bring in the harvest.

I am useful designing an efficient, beautiful layout of the field, planting the first few kernels, showing others how to do the rest, and possibly constructing the scarecrow. But then let me move on and find the next field. I know plowing is an essential part of life. For me, it just cannot be row upon row upon row ... all day, every day!

After often finding myself professionally miserable (and sometimes personally too - a story for another day), I am struggling to define what is going on in my brain that makes me so different and FIX IT. No one wants to be miserable and I am a problem-solver, after all.

A new friend recently told me: "Take the time to find your true passion and when you do, follow it." Since "miserable" and "passionate" don't have much in common, I am on a quest to find that passion and, if possible, avoid future misery.

I invite you to ride along on my journey, and encourage you to contribute insights and feedback to my current and future ramblings. Have a wonderful day.

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