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  • Writer's pictureJulaine Marie

Building Faith is a "Project"

Scripture is filled with examples of the Lord calling his people to do things which didn't make sense or required trust. Noah, Abraham, Israel/Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, David ... and the list goes on.

The Lord recently called me to work on a faith-building project, one of those "walk by faith not by sight, and I will do it all" projects. The past three plus years, He called me to step outside my comfort zone numerous time, (i.e. give away everything I own, step out in faith and move to Israel...) but now he is surrounding me with people to participate in this particular journey.

Several weeks ago, I was to start working on the Project, but I didn't have any money set aside and no idea how I was going to pay for this "assignment from the Lord." Five minutes before I head down the street for my first meeting, a good friend hands me $110 US and says "This is for you." Totally unexpected + right on time = Totally the Lord!

Some of you know the wild story behind my "project," and some don't. But whether you see and know where all this is going, or you just happened across this post, I invite you to participate with me in what the Lord is doing.

If the Lord lays on your heart to contribute financially, just send it through PayPal to Elizabeth Norris at: and indicate it is for "Julaine's Project"!

I will post updates as the Lord releases me to share details. Thanks in advance and let the Adventure Continue!!!

UPDATE December 2017: the "project" is complete - and it's glorious! The Lord provided exactly the right amount of funds, through some unexpected sources, and everything came together in perfect timing. I saw the result surrounded by six beautiful friends, sisters who Jesus sent to walk this faith journey with me, and be witnesses to the Lord's faithful provision. It was an anointed time of prophetic prayer, praise and worship to our loving, promise-fulfilling, FAITHFUL Abba! This is just a portion of the faith journey I'm walking with Jesus... More to follow in the coming months! Stay tuned!
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